Joan Najita (NOIRLab) 8 February 2025 One of the remarkable things we’ve learned about galaxies over the past few decades is that they often come with a special surprise in the middle — a huge black hole. Weighing in at more than a million times the mass of the Sun, these “supermassive black holes” are […]
Main Content
The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI)
The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) will measure the effect of dark energy on the expansion of the universe. It will obtain optical spectra for tens of millions of galaxies and quasars, constructing a 3D map spanning the nearby universe to 11 billion light years.The DESI Survey is being conducted on the Mayall 4-meter telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory. DESI is supported by the Department of Energy Office of Science to perform this Stage IV dark energy measurement using baryon acoustic oscillations and other techniques that rely on spectroscopic measurements.
First Cosmology Results from DESI
DESI has created the largest 3D map of our universe. The Universe’s expansion history is now known to better than 1% precision, yielding the best picture yet of how the universe has evolved over the past 11 billion years. Read more in our announcement and the April 2024 BerkeleyLab Press Release. Our results were presented at the APS and Moriond meetings as well as on Youtube.
The results — which provide one of the most stringent tests yet of how gravity behaves at cosmic scales — line up with Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Read more in the November 2024 BerkeleyLab Press Release. Further details are available in our guide to the publications reporting these results.
DESI Science
en Español,
en Français,
em Português,
auf Deutsch,
en Català,
in Italiano.
5000 Eyes: Mapping the Universe with DESI is out now!
DESI's very own planetarium show is available for free to all planetariums. See the trailer and find more information here.
Translations in French, Spanish, Mandarin, and German are now available.
DESI Begins
Latest Blog Posts

Brushing Away the Dust to Uncover Cosmology: Examining the Sigma-8 Tension with DESI Galaxies
Joan Najita (NOIRLab) One of the current tantalizing mysteries of cosmology is the “Sigma-8 tension,” or the persistent disagreement between the predicted and observed amounts of “clumpiness” of matter in the Universe. Briefly, the small density fluctuations in the early Universe (as recorded in the cosmic microwave background or CMB) can be used to predict […]

DESI’s 50M Milestone and a “Biggest Breakthrough” Honor
Joan Najita (NOIRLab) DESI reaches 50M milestone On 18 December 2024, DESI reached a new milestone, having measured the spectra of 50 million astronomical sources (36.3 million galaxies and quasars, and 13.7 million stars) over 819 nights of observations. The milestone is remarkable for both its speed and scope. As described by DESI team member Arjun […]
Latest Press Releases
DESI Early Data Release Holds Nearly Two Million Objects
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 13 June 2023
New DESI Planetarium Show to Premiere in 2023
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 27 February 2023
DESI Resumes Cataloguing the Cosmos
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 7 October 2022
Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Creates Largest 3D Map of the Cosmos
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 13 January 2022