For information about publicly available DESI data, see
DESI data releases and results from Key Projects (KP) are planned for data collected through the first (Y1), third (Y3), and sixth (Y6) years of the experiment. The Key Projects for Y1 are:
- Data release of the Survey Validation (SV) data assembly and related papers
- Data release of the Y1 data assembly
- Large-scale structure (LSS) catalogs and two-point clustering measurements of luminous sources
- Baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) measurements from two-point clustering of galaxies and quasars at z < 2
- Measurement of full-shape cosmology from galaxy and quasar two-point clustering, including redshift-space distortions (RSD), Alcock Paczyński (AP), neutrino masses, and fNL
- BAO measurements from the Lyman-alpha forest auto-correlation and the forest—quasar cross-correlation
- Cosmological model inference from two-point clustering
instrument design
Papers presenting the design and performance of the DESI instrument.
imaging data
Information about the Legacy Survey data used for identifying DESI target samples.
target selection and survey validation
Papers presenting the characteristics of all DESI target samples.
theory and simulations
Synthetic datasets, novel modeling and N-body simulation techniques, and applications of machine learning algorithms that support the DESI science mission.
other DESI science
DESI enables many studies beyond cosmology and measuring BAO, including observations of the Andromeda galaxy, transients and low-redshift phenomena, and even the dark matter halo of our galaxy, the Milky Way.
all DESI papers
ADS library of all DESI publications.
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