What is your role within DESI?
Administrator, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Where were you born?
Berkeley, California
What do you in your position on DESI?
I work with the DESI group member overseeing and assisting with the day-to-day operations in a variety of ways including processing requisitions for equipment needed for the instrument that will be mounted on the 4-Meter Mayall telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory, in addition to coordinating travel, event planning of collaborations and reviews necessary for the experiments planning and operations phase.
What excites/interests you most about DESI?
Since joining the DESI Group in April 2016 I look forward to the daily opportunities to learned more about the DESI Project while working with an estimated two hundred physicist and astronomers that make up the international DESI collaboration which is based at Lawerence Berkeley National Laboratory.
What do you for fun?
Family, family, family time, is what I do for fun. I especially enjoy engaging in lego projects with my grandson where he is creating all sorts of awesome things, from aircrafts, robots, and buildings, telescopes are in the near future.