What is your position or role in the DESI project?
I’m a Manufacturing Coordinator for the mechanical engineering department at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and I currently support the DESI fiber assemblies, positioners, petal, and science cable splicing full-time.
Where were you born?
I was born in Dallas, Texas, where I lived my entire life until moving to California.
Where do you live now?
I moved to California in 2014 and I live in Emeryville (right next to Berkeley and Oakland).
What do you as part of DESI (both generally and day-to-day activities)?
For all of the assemblies I cover I make sure procedures are documented, people are trained, and quality checks are in place. Daily I create work assignments for the manufacturing team to meet our schedule requirements.
What is the most interesting or exciting thing about DESI (and/or your job and/or astronomy in general)?
The range of assemblies I support means there is always a new challenge. I’m very excited about the eventual science this complex instrument will yield.
What do you do for fun?
For fun I enjoy cooking, and being out in nature spotting birds and animals while hiking.