What is your position or role in the DESI project?
I am one of the infrastructure contributors in the DESI lensing topical group (part of the c3 working group).
Where were you born?
I was born in a city close to Barcelona, Spain.
Where do you live now?
I have been moving to several countries in the last few years as a postdoc. I am currently living in Madrid, Spain.
What do you do as part of DESI?
In the DESI lensing topical group, I am leading the main 3x2pt LCDM cosmological analysis, in which we will combine projected galaxy clustering from DESI with weak lensing from DES, KiDS, and HSC.
What is the most interesting or exciting thing about your job?
It is a privilege (and very exciting) to be able to work with so many talented people on the cosmological exploitation of new high-quality data, such as the DESI catalogs.
Any advice for an aspiring scientist?
The most important thing is to have good mentors/advisors and to prioritize your mental health.
What do you do for fun?
I am an indoor person. I really enjoy playing video games and reading fantasy books to disconnect and relax.
If you weren’t a scientist, what would be your dream job?
I have always liked drawing, and there are some artists in my family, so in another life, I would have tried to focus on that. This was actually one of my hobbies years ago.
What excites/interests you most about DESI?
We already have very exciting results just from the first year of observations! I cannot wait to see all the cosmological results that will come out after the DESI observations finish.