Statement on Anti-Racism
The DESI collaboration recognizes that racism includes stereotypes, biases, prejudices, and other cultural conditioning that directly harms members of under-represented groups, whether by conscious actions or subconscious actions. We acknowledge the widespread presence of racism in our society, and that includes STEM fields and our collaboration. We reject all forms of racism and racial injustice, recognize the importance of learning and awareness to change our culture, and aim to create an environment where all of our collaboration members feel welcomed, respected, and valued.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
The DESI Collaboration established the committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in October 2020 to assess the climate and demographics of the Collaboration, establish best practices to improve diversity and inclusion in the collaboration, devise ways to further the careers of our members, and identify and implement ways to help junior members and newcomers engage in collaboration activities.
Code of Conduct
The DESI Collaboration strives for an inclusive and respectful environment for its members independent of their background, age, and stage or path of career.
All members of the DESI Collaboration are required to read and abide by our Code of Conduct, which defines Discrimination, Harassment, Scientific Misconduct, as well as our Statement of Expected Conduct at DESI Meetings.
Any member of DESI with a concern about a violation of the Code of Conduct for DESI-related work may raise this concern to the DESI Spokespersons, Institutional Board chair, or Director. They may also contact one of the DESI Ombudspersons for consultation.
The DESI Collaboration has two Ombudspersons who are available to aid with informal conflict resolution and mediation. The current Ombudspersons are Tamara Davis and Carlos Frenk.
The DESI Ombudsperson Policy defines the Ombudsperson role within DESI.